Hi everyone! I’m Vi and I completed my work experience at Carbon Creative. I have my GCSEs to think about next year, and my school suggested to year 10 students to use this time of the year to learn new skills and see what future jobs might be available to us in the future. That way, we’ll be better placed in planning how to get them! I want to be able to express my creativity through one of my favourite ways – technology. I was really excited when I got my sport at Carbon, a design/tech/creative sort of company!

I believe that sustainability is key in securing a happy future for everyone. That was why I was particularly attracted to Carbon Creative. It’s great to see how you can tie ethics and business together. Being sustainable means adapting and coming up with new ideas, so it makes sense for an agency to be sustainable if you ask me.

Since day one, I was set tasks to complete on websites. I added images and text to web pages, I designed a thumbnail for a blog post, and I wrote a blog! I even got to work on a presentation for a mock branding pitch. This project was really fun because I was able to use design presentation slides and use my design ideas freely. I was also able to gain experience in public speaking (something that I desperately need as I take Spanish GCSE and need to practise for the speaking exam! ). 😟

I was never left spinning on the office chair for a single second as everyone there was extremely friendly and engaging and would always be willing to help me if I was struggling with something. I also was given the opportunity to shadow on real client meetings. I was able to understand how you can get all the information you need from them to keep a project moving on track.

I would love to come back to Carbon Creative in the future and would 100% recommend it to anyone else who is looking to get work experience in a creative industry. The staff are really nice there and it’s without a doubt incredibly useful for someone who is wanting to gain knowledge about web designing and so much more, something that can be really useful for future interviews and CVs. It’s great!

Thank you for a great work experience, Carbon. From Vi.